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Navigating the Research Process: Gathering Background Information

This guide is a comprehensive overview of the research process.


Gathering Background Information

When you identify the variables you want to look at, you can begin to see some of the terms that you can use to search for. It is also helpful to come up with different ways to word things or synonyms for the concept terms. For example, “PTSD” could also be “post-traumatic stress disorder.” These in turn become search terms to use. Additionally, you can use Boolean terms to link them together in searches.

When you have your research sentence statement, you can begin to search for and find materials, although it is most helpful to identify where to search for information first.

This research, variables, topic, and related vocabulary consists of background information that you gather for your search. It is therefore important in this way for planning your search strategy where you can try different combinations of searches, including synonyms. 

Click here to go to the next part on developing a search strategy. 

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