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Finding Assessments: Mental Measurements Yearbook and Tests in Print: Home


The Mental Measurements Yearbook (MMY) with Tests in Print (TIP) was developed by the Buros Center for Testing at the University of Nebraska. This resource is designed to help you evaluate contemporary testing assessments and consists of reviews on a wide variety of instruments. These provide evaluative information to promote and encourage informed test selection. Typical MMY test entries include descriptive information, one or two professional reviews, and reviewer references. To be reviewed in the MMY, a test must be commercially available, be published in the English language, and be new, revised, or widely used since it last appeared in the MMY series. Beginning in The Fourteenth Mental Measurements Yearbook, tests also must provide sufficient documentation supporting their technical quality to meet criteria for review. Over 2,700 testing instruments have been reviewed since the MMY began publication in 1938. Each edition of the MMY is unique in that the editors vary and the information contained in them varies. So reviews that appear in the Sixteenth Mental Measurements Yearbook will not appear in the Seventeenth Mental Measurements Yearbook and vice versa.

The Tests in Print (TIP) lists all known commercially available tests currently in print in the English language. TIP provides test information including test purpose, test publisher, in-print status, price, test acronym, intended test population, administration times, publication date(s), and test author(s). A score index permits users to identify what is being measured by each test.

Searching for a Test

Getting Started

  1. Start from the DMU library page
  2. Click the "Library Log-In" link on the top navigation bar to authenticate as a DMU user. 
  3. In the "Library Links" menu on the upper left, select "Library Databases". 
  4. Under the EBSCO Databases, select the "Mental Measurements Yearbook with Tests in Print" database. 
  5. This will take you to the search page. 

Searching by Test Name or Acronym

1. In the search box, enter the Test Name or Acronym for the test you are interested in, then conduct your search. In the following example we are searching the acronym for Miller Analogies Test or "MAT"

2. The search for MAT provided approximately 6 results. Scroll through the list until you find the correct MAT, in this case it was number 6 in the results list.

3. Click the test title to view the record and the reviews. 

Detailed Record

1. At the top of the detailed record you will see full information for the test including: Authors, Publisher, Publication Date, Purpose, Population, Time, Price Data, Administration, etc.


2. At the bottom of the detailed record, you will find one or more reviews of the test.

Browse by Test Category

1. If you do not have a particular test in mind, but instead want to browse through a list of tests. From the advanced search page of the MMY database:

  • Leave the search box blank
  • Select one or more categories (for example: Intelligence and General Aptitude) from the Test Category box.
  • Conduct your search.




Adapted for Divine Mercy University by the library from libguides from Widener University and Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania